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Willie Nelson’s Upcoming Tour Raises Concerns as Friends and Family Fear for His Health




Performer Willie Nelson can’t wait to get back on the road again — but pals fear the 91-year-old country legend could keel over from the strain of touring!

The Red Headed Stranger has announced a string of new concerts in April in Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama and Texas — to follow his already slated gigs in Florida.

Now, sources squeal that loved ones are trying to convince the stubborn geezer to scale back, but he is refusing to take their advice — even though a long litany of physical problems has nearly left him crippled!

“His family and friends hoped he’d be singing his farewell song by now. But no, Willie wants to keep going — even though his body is bent, he can barely walk and his health’s on a steady decline,” an insider dishes.

In fact, ill health forced Willie to cancel appearances at the Outlaw Music Festival last summer.

At the time, a statement from family told fans, “We regret to inform you that Willie Nelson is not feeling well and, per doctor’s orders, has been advised to rest for the next four days.”

Even though the singer bounced back to perform July 4, observers noted that he appeared wobbly while being escorted onstage by a burly cowboy.

Sources confide that over the years, Willie’s been plagued by pneumonia, emphysema, type 2 diabetes and respiratory problems — and not even his CBD gummies can cure the former pot puffer’s ills at this point!

“It’s an awful lot for a man about to turn 92, and he’ll be on the road for weeks!” warns the tipster.

“The fear is it will kill him. But Willie is pumped up about the new tour, and he’d rather die doing what he loves than in hospice care. His family’s worried sick — but there’s no talking him down off the stage!”

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