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Star Trek Icon William Shatner Hoards Wealth Despite Multi-Million Dollar Fortune



Star Trek icon William Shatner has tens of millions of dollars in the bank, but sources say the 93-year-old is such a penny-pinching Scrooge that he has friends, family and on-again wife Elizabeth begging him to finally unlock his wallet and splurge during the little time he has left! Sources say that the space series’ Capt. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise is worth $100 million, but will practically go to the ends of the universe to save dough, rarely dining out and even reusing paper towels! “You’d think a guy in his mid-90s wouldn’t be worried about his finances, but he scrimps and saves like a miser,” spills an insider.

“He wants to leave as much to loved ones as possible and people think that’s noble of him, but buying in bulk and waiting for the sales while grudging every dollar spent seems a ridiculous way to live.

“He doesn’t treat himself very much and doesn’t go out for a nice dinner if he can help it, preferring to eat in.

He doesn’t buy a lot of new clothes and no one would be surprised if he waits for half-off sales. He pampers his horses and dogs and his wife when the occasion warrants it, but not himself.” Even Shatner posted on X last November, “I’m cheap I try not to pay for anything.”

But he denies his allegedly frugal ways, telling GLOBE, “I live very well, so does my family and everybody seems content.” Adds the insider, “For Bill, it hurts to spend, but people wonder why at this point when he doesn’t have much time left. Even he knows that!”

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