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Julian Lennon Reveals the Truth About His Relationship with John Lennon: ‘We Were Very Much On The Outside’




John Lennon’s musician son Julian is bashing his famous father by saying he was “never” close with the late Beatles legend!

Despite inspiring three tracks by his pop’s band — Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, Hey Jude and Good Night — the Too Late for Goodbyes singer, 61, admits he was not ever part of the group’s “inner circle!”

Julian, whose mom was John’s first wife, Cynthia, points out, “When dad left, when I was between 3 and 5, it was just mum and me, and we had nothing to do with the Beatles or dad.”

He adds, “I visited him on the odd occasion. But we were very much on the outside.”

Whenever facts emerge in Beatles documentaries or projects, Julian acknowledges, “It’s news to me half the time.”

John married artist Yoko Ono in 1969 and welcomed son Sean Ono Lennon five years before being gunned down in 1980 at age 40 on an NYC street by psycho Mark David Chapman.

While Julian was never tight with his dad, he claims to have a great relationship with 49-year-old Sean — but says he largely remains in the dark when it comes to the Fab Four!

“I’m thankful that Sean and I get on like a house on fire — we’re best buddies, and he tells me what he can, but things are pretty secret on the Beatles front,” he reveals. “[It feels] extraordinarily strange, but I’m not upset about it. I’d rather be excited and impressed by what they did and continue to do!”

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