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It’s Time For Spring Cleaning — And Sweeping Away Bad Spending Habits



Ingram Publishing / Newscom / The Mega Agency

Spring is just around the corner, but spring cleaning isn’t just for airing out and decluttering your home — it’s also a great opportunity to sweep away bad spending habits.

Financial expert Chris Markowski suggests a financial “Spring Clean” to get your finances in better shape for a summer of fun. Markowski, founder of SEC-Registered Investment Advisory Markowski Investments, is a champion for the individual investor and an investor advocate known as the “Watchdog on Wall Street.”

With the increasing pressure from social media and advertising, managing personal finances has become more challenging, making it essential to reassess spending habits.

When it comes to getting your financial house in order, Markowski says there are simple spending cuts people can make right away, and he also offers strategies to help people resist external pressures and control the impulse to buy.

Markowski, a former Wall Street investment banker, hosts the “Watchdog on Wall Street” podcast to inform the public about policy information and economic analysis the mainstream media doesn’t cover, and that bankers and politicians doesn’t want the public to know. He covers everything that affects listeners’ finances, and provides honest insights that help them plan for the future.

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