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Alec Baldwin’s Wife Hilaria Under Fire Again for Spanish Accent as New Show Debuts




The Spanish brouhaha over 66-year-old Alec Baldwin’s much-younger wife Hilaria is exploding again with the expected debut of their reality show. The 41-year-old beauty and mom of their brood of seven is seen on a video cooking in the kitchen with a pal and sliding in and out of English.

At one point she says, “My husband hates … cebollas,” using the Spanish word for “onions.” The hottie yoga instructor took a lot of heat in 2020 for pretending she was born in Mallorca and often using a fake Spanish accent. The truth: She was born and bred in Boston to American parents.

The luscious bilinguist later explained she spent “some of her childhood in Spain,” grew up “speaking two languages” and lapses into Spanish when “she gets nervous or upset.” Meanwhile, Alec keeps his child bride happy by calling her “Ilaria” — with a silent “H” — as the folks in Spain do. Olé!

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